Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Am Not a Republican (and neither is Jesus)

Wow!  That one made you stop and think for a moment.  Don't worry, I am not a Democrat either.  Oh, wait, you weren't worried about me.  What am I saying about Jesus?

So many people in the evangelical church these days equate Christianity with being a Republican.  The two do not always go hand in hand.  Many of the politicians, once they get into office, are willing to compromise their ethics and their beliefs in order to make a deal.  I recently read a blog by someone trying to discredit a video poem that also said that Jesus is not a Republican.  The writer of the blog assumes that the writer of the poem was trying to lash out at the Republican party because he was from Seattle (and I suppose therefore a liberal).  Well, I am from the East Coast and from a conservative background and I say the same thing.  Along that same line, being a Republican does not make someone a Christian - check out the theology of the candidates.

When Ronald Reagan became president, a group of pastors met for a prayer breakfast in Washington D. C.  They were so excited and so thankful that a Christian  was in the White House - now change would come!  It didn't work.  Why?  Because the hearts of the nation must change before the laws of the nation will change.  People have it all turned around.  When you see true revival in this country, then you will see the morals of its people change.  You want to see abortion clinics close?  Work for Christ to change the hearts of the young people in this nation.  You want to see certain  movies gone? If the hearts of the people change, no one will buy the tickets to those movies.

God doesn't call us to vote on the right politician.  I  don't see that command, suggestion, or even hint anywhere in the Bible.  I do vote in every election.  I am so thankful for the grace of God that allows me to live in this country and in this time so that a woman can choose her representatives.  I do take that seriously.  I do not, however, believe that it is the sole responsibility of the person that I put into office to make this country whole again.  I do not even believe that it is the sole responsibility of our pastors.  We are living in the time of the New Covenant - we are called to get it done!

Going even further, I do not believe that we will be able to cut government spending significantly without the people in the church stepping up to take their responsibility.  Jesus tells us that it is  our responsibility to provide social welfare to those in need.  

Matthew 25: 35-36 (NIV) For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,  I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

I hear so many of the Republican supporters call for stopping government programs and letting "those people" take care of themselves (actually heard behind closed doors of a mayor several years ago).  It is not God's plan for them to take care of themselves.  God knows that they are needy.  He does not call on us to judge them for the reason they are needy and without clothes and in prison.

I do believe that churches could spend less money on fountains and silk curtains (and matching Lexus for the pastor and his wife) and provide so much help in this area.  I also believe that we are individually responsible to give something to eat, give something to drink,  welcome the stranger (hmmm), provide clothes, take care of  the sick, and visit the prisoners (not just pay money to someone else to do it). 

So, no, I do not believe that the Republicans (or Democrats) can save us.  We need to rise up and do what we are called to do - share the gospel, change hearts, and provide for the social welfare needs of those who cannot take care of themselves.  

.... and one more thing..... Jesus is not an American either.... just saying.....